Sign Up for a Corporate Training Center Workshop

The signup window for this course has ended. Please view our current course offerings.

Course Title HADC Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce
Date(s) December 15, 2020
Time 9:00am-12:00pm
Location Hartford Police Department (Sherger Hall) (109 N Main St. Hartford WI. 53027)
Cost $149.00

Today we have not only multiple distinct generations of workers to draw from, but also the two largest demographics in history, the Baby Boomers and Millennials. With multiple generations of talent in the workforce at once, differences in people's preferences and working styles are more prominent. If you're a leader, a talent manager, or a skilled knowledge worker, you need to prepare if you want to survive this unprecedented sea of change. In this workshop you will discover and apply best practices for managing all the generations in today's workplace!

  • Identify the multi-generational professionals.

  • Understand the characteristics of the different generations.

  • Discuss generational differences and cultural norms. 

  • Identify best practices for working with multi-generations.

Registration deadline: December 8

* Face masks are required to be worn during this training. Training room will be set-up in compliance with social distancing spacing protocols.  Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will be available.