Early Childhood Education Program Outcome Data

Outcome Measure 1: Program Completers

Academic year Number of program completers Program completers who were attending full time at the time of completion Program completers who were attending part-time at the time of completion
2018-19 24 (100%) 11 (46%) 13 (54%)
2019-20 25 (100%) 9 (36%) 16 (64%)
2020-21 24 (100%) 10 (42%) 14 (58%)

Outcome Measure 2: Program Completion Rates

Academic year in which a Fall cohort of full-time candidates enrolled in the program (select three sequential years) Percentage of those students who completed the program within 150% of the published time frame Percentage of those students who completed the program within 200% of the published time frame
Fall 2015: 13 students 3/13 (23%) 3/13 (23%)
Fall 2016: 9 students 1/9 (11%) 3/9 (33%)
Fall 2017: 11 students 4/11 (36%) 4/11 (36%)

Outcome Measure 3: Graduate Employment

Academic year Number of graduates  Percentage of Graduates employed in the early childhood profession within one year of graduation Percentage of Graduates pursuing further education in the early childhood profession within one year of graduation
2018-19 24 (100%) 9/15 (60%) 2/15 (13%)
2019-20 26 (100%) 8/13 (62%) 3/13 (23%)
2020-21 24 (100%) 6/8 (75%) 2/8 (25%)